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Evoke Advisors

Financial Services

Evoke Advisors is an RIA (Registered Investment Advisory) that truly looks out for its clients and has the deep expertise to do so. They needed their brand and website to prove it.

  • Brand Strategy
  • Writing
  • Web Design
  • Visual Identity
  • Marketing Collateral
Evoke Case Study Header

The RIA landscape is full of salespeople with various agendas—both hidden and obvious. This is where Evoke stands out. They’re a team of unbiased advisors with the financial advisory and investment expertise to ensure their clients’ best interests above all else. We brought forward their dedication and authenticity through the soft, personable tonalities of their new voice and optimistic, people-focused imagery.

We reshaped their entire visual identity to better underscore the sophistication of their approach through structured, sharp-edged graphic elements, complemented by a soft, subtle color palette of pastels and deep blues, which are known to signify reliability. 

As their clients span from individuals with limited investment knowledge to highly sophisticated, professional peers, we strategically restructured their UX to showcase their services by audience, enabling anyone visiting Evoke’s site to jump to the most relevant content.

Visit Evoke Advisors

Evoke Avatar 1


Evoke Business Card
Evoke Colors
Evoke Web Icon Group 2
The quarterback to your financial life
241023 Evoke Brand Guidelines Page 16
241023 Evoke Brand Guidelines Page 06


Evoke Background Photography
Evoke Web Mobile
Evoke Web Mockup
Evoke Gif


Evoke One Pager 2
Evoke One Pager 1
Evoke Slides 1

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